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希爾頓教學:希爾頓 Status Match 會籍挑戰,金卡挑戰 8 晚,鑽卡挑戰 14 晚

希爾頓存在已久的 Status Match 活動經歷了好幾次更新。曾經的挑戰任務是按 stay 計算,註冊後 90 天內完成 4 次入住升級金卡,完成 8 次入住升級鑽石卡。後來改為按 night 計算,在一定程度上提升了任務的難度和挑戰成本。

當前挑戰任務調整為:金卡挑戰需完成 8 晚住宿;鑽卡挑戰需完成 14 晚住宿。

完成挑戰後獲得的會籍有效期到 2026 年 3 月 31 日,這意味着您可以持有希爾頓的金卡或鑽卡會籍最多接近 2 年時間。

只要您從未申請過 Status Match,白板或銀卡會員都可以申請。已有金卡或鑽卡會員不能申請。每名會員終身只能申請一次。

一、什麼是 Status Match

Status Match 直接翻譯就是「狀態匹配」。意思就是說,當您已經擁有 A 集團的精英會員資格,那麼您可以申請 B 集團提供的「Status Match」服務,來獲得 B 集團對應等級的精英會員資格。透過「Status Match」您不需要按照正常規則,累積足夠的房晚或者積分,就能獲得高級會員資格。

很久以前希爾頓開放匹配的時候,只要提交了有效的第三方集團的高級會員資料,基本上人人都可以獲得透過,而且並不需要您完成挑戰任務,所以那時候是零成本獲得希爾頓的金卡、鑽石卡。但是現在不一樣了,現在可能叫做「Status Challenge」更合適,因為您必須要在註冊任務後,90 天內完成挑戰任務才能獲得升級。

貌似現在在各大酒店集團中,只有希爾頓有長期開放 Status Match 活動,其他酒店集團偶爾才會有一次。希爾頓 Status Match 有一個好處,就是在 90 天的挑戰期間,您都能獲得金卡的待遇。如果您由於某些原因需要短期內入住一下希爾頓旗下的酒店,那麼只要申請一下挑戰就能馬上獲得金卡的各種待遇。





希爾頓教學:希爾頓 Status Match 會籍挑戰,金卡挑戰 8 晚,鑽卡挑戰 14 晚

Status Match 最重要的是,您需要提交合資格的第三方酒店集團的精英會員資料。目前希爾頓聲明支援的第三方酒店集團會員計劃包括:

根據條款,只有上述列表中的酒店集團才能申請 Status Match。但是其他酒店集團仍然可以提交申請,只是透過幾率可能比較低。

注意:與以往不同的是,現在您只能 match 到金卡(90 天有效期),而不能直接 match 鑽卡。也就是說申請透過後,在挑戰期間您只能享有金卡待遇,鑽卡待遇需在完成挑戰後才能享有。

填寫表單時,您需要提交兩份資料,而且必須以 .jpg 或 .png 文件格式上傳。


希爾頓教學:希爾頓 Status Match 會籍挑戰,金卡挑戰 8 晚,鑽卡挑戰 14 晚

一份是您在第三方酒店集團過去 12 個月內的入住記錄:

希爾頓教學:希爾頓 Status Match 會籍挑戰,金卡挑戰 8 晚,鑽卡挑戰 14 晚

這兩份資料,您都只需要提供 .jpg 或 .png 格式的熒幕截圖即可,不會截圖的用手機拍照也行。如果擔心隱私泄露,您可以把除了自己的姓名和會員號之外的所有訊息抹掉。實際上希爾頓不可能獲得第三方酒店集團的會員數據庫,所以也就無法比對資料的真實性,這就給了不少人造假的空間。

提交申請後,通常約 7 - 12 個工作日就能得到客服的郵件回覆。郵件上會註明您已經獲得 90 天的金卡資格,在有效期之前完成挑戰任務即可獲得正式升級。


申請透過後您就可以馬上做任務了。前面也已經說了,現在的任務比以前的難度提升了不少,但是這只是針對一些為挑戰而挑戰的人來說。對於某些剛需來說就不一定了,例如出差黨,一次出差可能就住個 10 天 8 天的,以 night 來計算任務就更容易和更方便,還不用為了切 stay 而煩惱。

  • 金卡挑戰任務:成功申請後 90 天內完成 8 晚住宿
  • 鑽卡挑戰任務:成功申請後 90 天內完成 14 晚住宿
希爾頓教學:希爾頓 Status Match 會籍挑戰,金卡挑戰 8 晚,鑽卡挑戰 14 晚


  • 金卡:在一個日曆年內完成 20 次住宿,或在一個日曆年內完成 40 晚住宿,或在一個日曆年內賺取 75,000 點希爾頓榮譽客會基本積分。
  • 鑽卡:在一個日曆年內完成 30 次住宿,或在一個日曆年內完成 60 晚住宿,或在一個日曆年內賺取 120,000 點希爾頓榮譽客會基本積分。

有一點要注意的是,曾經希爾頓 Status Match 積分房也算有效入住,但是現在已經不算了。


此外,2019 年年初希爾頓宣布,中國的歡朋酒店(Hampton)正式加入榮譽客會計劃。希爾頓在中國有大量的歡朋酒店,價格都比較便宜,做任務時大家可以考慮入住此品牌,降低挑戰成本。

完成挑戰任務後,通常約 1 個星期就能獲得正式升級。


希爾頓的金卡待遇已經非常不錯,主要包括免費早餐,額外 80% 積分獎勵,免費升級房型等。


希爾頓教學:希爾頓 Status Match 會籍挑戰,金卡挑戰 8 晚,鑽卡挑戰 14 晚



Hilton Honors 榮譽客會銀卡、金卡、鑽石卡會員禮遇/待遇,及升級/保級條件等


現在 Status Match 以 night 計算,難度有所提升,估計希爾頓精英會員的數量會有一定下降。但是從另一個角度來看未必不是一件好事,這意味着希爾頓精英會員的含金量有所提升。


最後還有一個問題,有些人可能無法打開申請頁面,或者填寫好表格後卻無法提交,可能會看到提示:You must pass the recaptcha 。這是因為希爾頓為了防止有人使用機器惡意提交,需要您「進行人機身份驗證」。

這個驗證功能是由 Google 提供的,所以必須使用你懂的上網方式才能看到。▼

希爾頓教學:希爾頓 Status Match 會籍挑戰,金卡挑戰 8 晚,鑽卡挑戰 14 晚


1. What is the Hilton Honors Status Match benefit?

This is an exclusive benefit for Hilton Honors members who would like to experience elite status and get the chance to accelerate their tier progression.

2. What do I have to do to receive a Hilton Honors Status Match?

Submit your program and stay proof of another competitor loyalty program. Proof of a stay must be from within the last 24 months.

Once approved for Status Match, we will upgrade your status to Gold for 90 days.

Stay a minimum of 8 nights within your 90 day trial period, and we'll upgrade your status to Gold.

Even better: if you complete an additional 6 nights (14 nights total) within your 90 day trial period, we'll upgrade your status to Diamond.

3. Who is eligible for Status Match?

Members who are currently at Base or Silver tier and have not previously enrolled in Status Match.

4. Why are Gold and Diamond members restricted from Status Match?

Gold and Diamond Members are already experiencing the benefits that come with elite Hilton Honors status; we will therefore not process these requests.

5. How many times can I use this benefit?

Qualifying members may enact this exclusive benefit once throughout the lifetime of their membership.

6. What are acceptable forms of "proof of status" and "proof of stay"?

Acceptable forms of status validation include a screenshot of your current membership from your existing loyalty program and a screenshot of your account summary page from the same program. We accept jpg files only. Please do NOT send us any personal information, including your phone number, address, social security number, date of birth, username, passwords or credit card information.

7. Do Reward Stays count toward achieving the night requirements?

No, Reward Stays do not count toward achieving the Status Match requirements.

8. How long does it take for Status Match to be granted?

Due to the large volume of requests, please allow for 7 - 12 business days to review your application. Hilton may require additional validation, at our discretion. In this case, please allow for an additional 7 - 12 business days.

9. I have requested Status Match but it wasn't approved until after I completed a stay. Can you retroactively add the stay to the challenge?

No, we are unable to add any stays to the challenge that have occurred prior to being approved for Status Match. Please be sure to submit your Status Match request well in advance of an upcoming stay.

10. What if I decide that I want to save this benefit for a later time, but I have already submitted my Status Match request?

Once a member elects to use this benefit and the Status Match is successfully applied to their account, this action is considered final and is not reversible. Please determine the best time to use this benefit according to your personal travel situation before submitting your request through the online form. Remember, you can only use Status Match once, so use it when you really need it.


1 The ability to use Hilton Honors Points to shop on applies to the store only. Hilton Honors Points may not be redeemed on localized Amazon storefronts (i.e., International shipping rates apply.

2 Customers may earn Points on Lyft rides in the US and Canada only. See full terms and details at

3 Acceptable forms of status validation include a screenshot of your current and active account status. Acceptable forms of stay validation include a screenshot of your recent reservations or hotel receipt, redacting any personal information other than your name and membership number. We accept .jpg files only. Please do NOT send us any personal information (including your phone number, address, social security number, date of birth, user name, passwords, or credit card information). Only elite statuses from another hotel loyalty program that are listed in the status dropdown menu are eligible for status matching.

Hilton reserves the right to decline any application at any time for any reason. Please allow 7 - 12 business days for Hilton Honors to process your request. Hilton may require additional validation in its complete discretion which may take an additional 7 - 12 business days. The 90 day status match trial period starts once approved. Only members who have not previously completed a status match challenge are eligible. Reward stays do not count toward achieving the status match requirements. 




平均評分 5 / 5. 投票數: 35



